Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cameron is a fucking liar

how to take these money-grubbing, scum-butt politicians seriously? the anger is seething among the have-nots, and their ranks are swelling. while the central bankers and their pals in government loot the public treasury, the downtrodden masses are supposed to suck it up silently. if you believe this clown, you'll believe in trickle-down theory, and a rising tide lifts all boats -- or that your reward awaits in heaven:

"LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron blamed the worst riots in Britain for decades on street gang members and opportunistic looters and denied government austerity measures or poverty caused the violence in London and other major English cities."

but let's lay the blame squarely where it belongs: with the co-opted, corporate news establishment that serves as the national bullhorn for these preposterous claims, as the vapid and clueless, TV-mesmerized voter hunkers down with a fistful of popcorn for the daily dosing of titillation and propaganda.

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