Sunday, January 2, 2011

It comes out in chunks

headline from WP:

Austerity is first order for Boehner's installation as House speaker

why do they call making the working people pay for the mistakes and greed of the wealthy "austerity"? that's a word that suggests shared pain and sacrifice, but the reality is out in plain view for anyone who cares to look.

why the crushing government deficits and obscene debt? no mention is made of the implosion of the economy caused by the speculative orgy of the past decade and the ensuing economic collapse. we taxpayers not only bailed out -- and will continue to bail out -- the to-big-to-fail banks, but the flip side of economic stimulus -- trying to replace some of the demand in the economy lost when the housing bubble burst -- has also cost a bundle.

the banks won the prize of deregulation during clinton's terms, while bush and greenspan blew the housing bubble with excessively low interest rates for an unreasonable period after 9/11. everything that's happened as a consequence has been of no benefit for ordinary working people -- in the long haul it's been catastrophic. still, it's been our fate to bail out the fat cats who caused all this pain.

the republickers have had it in for FDR for decades now. remember when shrub after 2004 said he was going to expend some political capital to privatize social security? well, thankfully it never happened then, but you can count on them trying again now. with a craven, spineless appeaser like barky obambi in the white house, the big mo is all in the direction of slash and burn all vestiges of the social safety net. we'll be told its natural and inevitable, and will solve all our problems. and once all is said and done, the whole edifice will come tumbling down and we'll be up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

that's when you'll be glad you stood up for your 2nd amendment rights -- so you can take that sidearm and blow your brains out.

back to the republicans and washington for a minute. just make ready for a lot grandstanding and dramatics. the repudlickers are nothing if not well stage-managed. they stay on script and get their message out flawlessly. the only catch in their game is that they need to time things correctly. they can't allow the bottom to fall out before 2012 -- things must be desperate but not dire for them to gull the dim-witted. pain is good; misery is bad. as long as mexicans, muslims and gays are america's biggest threats, and not the robber barons, they can pull off the utter humiliation of the middle class.

once the wanky doodle dandies realize they've been suckered, it'll be too late for them. they with their pea-shooters don't have enough firepower to go up against a mercenary army backed by predator drones over the suburbs and small towns of america. the infrastructure of oppression is already in place, the internment camps at the ready. bradley manning is but a canary in the coal mine of police-state tactics against dissenters and enemies of the state.

i love a fascist in a three-piece suit. it makes me remember how the nazi's didn't march off and do their brutal works without the benefit of the law: the "final solution," which is being reprised in a locality near you, was by all accounts carried out under the duly-constituted laws of germany. so when the thug party promises to bring us austerity and a return to a mythical past, i just can't wait!

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