Friday, April 1, 2011

they love us... the afghans fucking LOVE us!

what more touching, heart-rending story could we come up with to show the depth of feeling the afghan people have for the occupation of their country by the US and its allies (from the LA times):
"A mob inflamed by a mosque sermon describing the burning of the Muslim holy book by an American pastor attacked a United Nations compound in a northern Afghan city on Friday, killing at least eight foreign staffers, according to Afghan police.
A spokesman for the U.N. mission in Afghanistan, Dan McNorton, confirmed that there had been deaths of U.N. personnel in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, but said he did not have further details."
it gets you right here, doesn't it? and there...

the good and benevolent people of america come to spread their goodness and decency to the uncivilized tribes of afghanistan, bringing with them the good and beneficent hamid karzai and his government of civilization and progress to this beleaguered land -- scene of many previous imperial crusades (through none as beneficial and unselfish as ours).

we americans are just so misunderstood. to know us is to love us, as the song goes... haven't heard that one in afghanistan? we're really loving and accepting and so tolerant of others. the nice and decent and god-fearing pastor who burned the holy book intended only to stimulate interfaith dialog through his act, and had not a single shred of malice in his heart -- being a disciple of the prince of peace, love and grooviness.

christians aren't perfect, just forgiven, you know? so if the reverend does something fucked up, he's just forgiven. that's how we deal with our issues here: by shrugging them off and saying "no big deal" (unless you do it to us, in which case you get your ass mangled by rabid pit bulls).

as for what those hotheads in afghanistan did to our poor emissaries from the UN, we have a nobel peace prize winner as our president, which in case these goofy bastards aren't aware, gives him moral authority to pass judgement on what happens to people who we send to other countries to spread our gospel of peace, prosperity and corporate control:
 "I condemn in the strongest possible terms the attack on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan today.
"The brave men and women of the United Nations, including the Afghan staff, undertake their work in support of the Afghan people. Their work is essential to building a stronger Afghanistan for the benefit of all its citizens. We stress the importance of calm and urge all parties to reject violence and resolve differences through dialogue." --barky obama
the president of the united states has spoken! we're all about rejecting violence and resolving our differences through dialog, you lousy bunch of savages! it's enough to spoil the warm NCAA tournament glow...

message to afghans: either get with the program, or we'll dispatch predator drones to take out your villages, too, and wipe out entire clans with our hellfire missiles! we'll send in the special forces and CIA contractors to break down your doors in the middle of the night, terrifying your women and children, and humiliating you guys -- that is, if we don't kill you all first.

now, where was i? oh, yeah. we don't resolve our difference with violence, so it's like, so inappropriate for these afghan mobs to kill our agents who, after all, are there only to help.

blessed are the peacemakers -- at least that's what we like to tell ourselves. that has a much nicer ring to it than, we like the force our will on you and your country, for the sake of our business interests. so if you'll please just fucking piss off and let us do what the hell we came here to do, maybe we won't send more kill teams to your country to murder you guys for sport.

addendum: hey, i'm sorry but i didn't have the whole scoop about holy-roller high priest terry jones' "trial" of the koran at his snake-pit of a church in gainesville, florida on march 20. after reading what this asshole did (here), i'm beginning to think that the afghans were -- if not justified in killing those specific people -- acting in an understandable way (given the cultural sensitivities in their part of the world). what a rank, disgusting freak this jones creep is. if he'd take the log out of his own eye, then perhaps he could see clearly enough to judge others. prick.

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