Thursday, February 23, 2012

Korans burned, Americans killed, rage grows: What can military do? -

How can we help these people at the LA Times?
Korans burned, Americans killed, rage grows: What can military do? - "Korans burned, Americans killed, rage grows: What can military do?"
The usual American myopia seems to be fully operational. The public, starting with the opinion-shaping media, seems perplexed about why these people, who we're only trying to help, don't appreciate our efforts.

Perhaps we can help clarify things by pointing out that perhaps our perception is at odds with reality.

What if we're really not there to help the people? What if we're there to occupy their country and use it for our own purposes? What if we're killing the people, humiliating them, and making a mockery of their culture?

These things have happened countless time before. This is what empires usually do, after all.

The secret that the LA Times either doesn't know, or doesn't what its readers to know, is that the rage of the Afghan people is neither a mystery, nor is it very difficult to come to terms with what we can do about it.

We need to exit as soon as possible. Let Karzai and his klown korps flee to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia -- wherever they'll take him. He's managed to loot the Afghan treasury, so there's no question about his retirement benefits.

Leave Afghanistan to the Afghans. Once we do, we can get down to the business of managing our eventual collapse -- just as the Soviets were forced to do once they finally pulled the plug on their imperial ambitions.

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