all of us losers who thought barack obama was the real thing back in 2008 took another swift jackboot in the nuts when the following shenanigans at wikileaks came to light:
Wiki war: 3500 unpublished leaks destroyed forever as Assange hits out: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's former right-hand man has irrevocably destroyed 3500 unpublished files leaked to the whistleblower site including the complete US no-fly list, five gigabytes of Bank of America documents and detailed information about 20 neo-Nazi groups.
Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who left WikiLeaks last year after a falling out with Assange, revealed the document destruction in an interview with Der Spiegel.
WikiLeaks has hit back, accusing Domscheit-Berg of being in bed with US intelligence agencies and of jeopardising the leaking of “many issues of public importance, human rights abuses, mass telecommunications interception, banking and the planning of dozens of neo-nazi groups”.
those of us on the left just can't hardly win. every time we root for somebody fighting the corporate oligarchy they turn out to be either sellouts or assholes that weren't worthy of the high expectations we invested in them.
the right wingers are constantly being betrayed by their leaders, as they're caught in hotel rooms with drugs and male prostitutes, but their followers love of jesus and hatred of negroes sustains them.
we get guys like assange, who let hoes go to his head (you know which one) and let his over-inflated ego get the best of him. as if that wasn't bad enough, he gets sold out by his best bud, who probably just resented his more suave compadre and decided to sell the organization and all its supporters out for the sake of his own thwarted delusions of grandeur.
it's almost too comical to be taken seriously that domscheit-berg aspired to establish his own muckraking wikileaks-type organization. this same retarded fuck that destroyed 3500 unpublished leaked files -- sent to wikileaks and entrusted to his care -- out of his supposed concern for the identities of the leakers... even though the leakers have alread,y to a great extent, accepted the risks involved in making the materials available.
in any case, the wikileaks phenomenon was interesting and exciting while it lasted. if this guy's mission is to create a better, more credible wikileaks, it's kind of ironic, since his singular actions will most effectively serve the purposes of the enemies of openness, while driving a stake through the heart of the movement to expose government wrongdoing and corruption through publication of secret documents.
when you remove the one viable avenue for exposing government secrets, that only makes it that much harder for opponents of secrecy and behind-the-scenes control of the levers of power to employ peaceful means to change governments and make them accountable.
because of this bitches' spat between assange and domschiet-berg, we're assured that instead of this fight being waged online and in the minds of the public, the fight will move to the streets.
thanks, guys.
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