watch the washington politicians wither and shrink out of view as US power and influence begins to assume the proportion of seriousness it really deserves in the world.
the likudniks in tel aviv as well as DC are fully in control. the weakest link in the regime of oppression in the mideast is the secular israelis with their recent mass demonstrations against the current regime's sell-out to the expansionists and against regular working people.
as if the say, we opt for confrontation, the building of more illegal and provocative housing in east jerusalem moves ahead with alacrity, and barack the abysmal failure is trying to locate his missing manhood, which he lost in recent dust-up with johnny the boner over the debt ceiling. no more juju to deal with a thumb in the eye from netenyahu:
Interior Minister Eli Yishai of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party also intends to approve the construction of 2,700 homes in two other Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem in the coming days, said the spokesman, Roei Lachmanovich. He said the moves were part of a broader response by Yishai to recent protests in Israel against rising rents and housing prices, and had been coordinated with the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."
if you build it, they will come. build, baby, build. another billion here, another billion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real war with iran.
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