Friday, July 20, 2012

Prepping the public before dissent is crushed

The Bush administration knew a thing or two about selling a war, and it seems like the fine art of manipulating public opinion has found a new venue in the run-up to the GOP nominating convention coming up next month:
Tampa Police monitoring RNC protest chatter online - Florida Wires - "THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
TAMPA, Fla. -- Tampa police are monitoring Internet chatter and videos that may encourage protesters to cause problems and break laws during the Republican National Convention.
WTSP ( reports protesters planning on coming to the convention are being egged on to "battle" authorities and "let nothing stop" them."
By the time the festivities begin n Tampa, the no-nothings sitting in front of their wide-screen hypnosis terminal will have been convinced that their fellow Americans who are simply exercising their constitutional right to protest for redress of grievances are nothing but parasitic worms to be eliminated by any means necessary.

We can  plainly see a case being made, using chimeras of the state's own devising, that malcontents and troublemakers are being dispatched to put the people in jeopardy, and make them feel less "safe." Hence, you will see any level of state power being deployed the squelch the protests, and being given cover for it's brutality on the nightly news.

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