Osama bin Obama may be their sworn enemy, but the congressional GOP can't even appreciate him when he's hewing to their very own agenda:
Republicans on reorganization: Why weren't we consulted?: "Republicans in Congress complained Friday that President Obama didn't consult them before recommending a government reorganization to better serve the business community.These guys are a bunch of ineffectual putzes if ever there were any. They put their narrow partisan agenda before everything else. If the fucking capitol was burning down, they'd fight off the fire department for being unionized.
In a sign of the continuing political discord in Washington, GOP leaders were quick to criticize the way in which Obama proposed something they actually favor."
The US voting public, of course, is getting exactly what it voted for in 2010: a republican house majority that would ensure legislative deadlock and a politics of continual partisan squabbles. It never dawned on the supposedly so wise and common-sensical American public that the one thing to be avoided above all others is a hopelessly deadlocked politics. Absolutely nothing that is needed to pull the nation out of its perennial morass can be enacted because of the current political alignment in Washington.
This is, naturally, perfectly suitable for maintaining the status quo, that serves those best who benefit most: the oligarchs.
So let the puff-ball politicos have at it. The bumper cars of the mind goes on with hideous abandon. All in HD.
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